Peggy Quinn Clay Studio

Peggy Quinn Clay Studio

About The Artist

Peggy Quinn • East Springfield, PA

Peggy's work is primarily wheel thrown, often with hand modeled additions and imaginative handles. Her pieces feature the natural world in the form of hand painted motifs, sculptural additions or carvings. Her glazes are often subtle and elegant enhancing the forms themselves. Her studio is located in East Springfield Pa. She is a juried member in The Craftsman's Guild of Pittsburgh and her work is shown in Cambridge Springs Pa. at Kelly Run Gallery and in Pittsburgh at Contemporary Craft.


Artist website

Q&A with the Artist

Tell us how your work is made.

My ceramic work is either wheel thrown, hand built or a combination of the two. I use a mid range cone six firing temperature for my creations. My clay is either a white firing stoneware or a buff colored stoneware. I mix all my glazes in house including my stains and underglazes from the potter's pantry of raw materials. My work is influenced by my love of Chinese pottery and my glaze palette reflects this. I prefer a quiet elegance in most of my work. The exceptions to this rule are my recent sculptural pieces and some of my more colorful sgraffito colored slip pieces. I love to add sculptural additions to my pieces, often hand modeled or press molded for a distinctive touch. My pieces are all created with love and inspiration, even my pieces that are created in series or sets.

What makes you passionate about the medium you work with?

I quickly realized that clay would be my chosen medium. What keeps me passionate about clay is that I still continue to learn and perfect my art and craft. While clay does carry a sizable ratio of failures, especially the experimental works, the successes make their way into a sort of line of successes. Yet even these continue to evolve with each new kiln load. It is this continued yearning for the perfect sublime piece that keeps me passionate about clay.

What is something unique about you or your practice?

My work is all made by hand with my own specified and perfected glaze palette to express my personal style. I use hand modeled additions and press molded animals for an added distinctive style. My style is simple, quiet and elegant.